Thursday, September 22, 2016

Comprehensive Dentistry

Comprehensive Dentistry
Comprehensive dentistry services are available to both children and adults and offer all your general dental procedures. Here at Karsil Dental Professionals, our Pearland, TX dentist, Dr. Nghi Trinh-Pham, diagnoses general dental conditions and treatment recommendations that affect your gums, jaw, and teeth early on to avoid the need to come in the future for more expensive and complex dental treatments. To do this, we utilize only the best and advanced technology.

Comprehensive Dentistry Technology Options
A few of our comprehensive dentistry technology services we offer include:

If you're like most people, going to the dentist can cause a lot of anxiety and fear. We offer different sedation options so that you can have your dental work done without the fear and anxiety. There are various forms of sedation we offer such as oral forms like a pill and nitrous oxide (laughing gas). The type of sedation delivered will depend on your needs.

This is an advanced imaging machine that identifies structures and issues that a traditional x-ray doesn't. You simply place your chin on a small ledge while you are sitting in a chair. The machine then rotates a full 360 degrees around your head to view your head, teeth, bones, and sinuses.

Oral Cancer Screenings
These screenings are an essential part of your dental visit. Using our advanced technology, Dr. Trinh-Pham pinpoints a potential problem right from the beginning so it can be treated promptly before it turns into an irreversible problem.

Give our Pearland, TX dental office a call at 281-485-6088 to start your comprehensive dentistry routine today. We will get you in for an initial consultation with Dr. Trinh-Pham and oral exam and discuss our comprehensive dentistry services.

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